The Communicator – Paging System

The Communicator dental paging system has been used by dental professionals from across the world. The Communicator paging  system has gone through some modifications over time, however it is still utilizes an old technology of wires and lights. The Communicator dental paging system is expensive to install and not customizable.  


In our opinion, The Communicator dental paging system is very restricted in the way doctors and staff communicate with one another. The lack of clear message descriptions and combinations of very few colors create complicated messages, which in turn lead to miscommunication. The interface is not changeable, and is not scalable to the new dynamic requirements of a dental office. In addition, the cost of implementing the Kelkom system is quite high in comparison to other wireless solutions that exist in the market today. We suggest trying a new wireless dental communication system instead of repairing The Communicator Paging System.

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